Viet Kitchen Inver

Vietnamese Restaurant

Viet Kitchen Inver contact


address: 115 Spey Street, Invercargill, New Zealand 9810

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price category:

$$ mid price

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Viet Kitchen Inver, 2021.07.01.

It saddens us to inform you the closing of our beloved Vietkitchen soon. It was our privilege to be a part of this community, we greatly appreciated all the years you have allowed us to serve you.

Unfortunately, current circumstances do not allow us to remain open. We thank you from...

Viet Kitchen Inver, 2021.06.26.

Dear all,

Viet Kitchen will be closed on Anzac day 26/04.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

- Viet Kitchen team -

Viet Kitchen Inver, 2021.04.25.


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