Sweet Delights by Louise

Bakery Deli
Anything Cake - I can design and make your cake for you for any occasion. Contact me and we can disc

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address: Lower Hutt, New Zealand 5010

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Sweet Delights by Louise facebook posts

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be taking orders from now on. Having our business now I just don't have the time. Sorry guys will try to pick up again when things settle down.

Sweet Delights by Louise, 2016.02.28.

Have messaged you

Sweet Delights by Louise, 2016.01.22.

Photos from Sweet Delights by Louise's post

And finally a cake for Elsa who was turning 7, another Frozen fan, was great to see her wonderful smile when she saw her cake for the first time, makes it all worth while :)

Sweet Delights by Louise, 2015.05.03.


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