Falafel Gourmet is back up and running,and we hope to see you all soon.Our hours are now 10am until 4pm. Takeaways or dine in. YES WE ARE BACK.!
Falafel Gourmet, 2020.05.19.
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Falafel Gourmet is back up and running,and we hope to see you all soon.Our hours are now 10am until 4pm. Takeaways or dine in. YES WE ARE BACK.!
Falafel Gourmet, 2020.05.19.
Falafel Gourmet updated their business hours.
Falafel Gourmet, 2020.05.11.
Hi its great to be open again, we are doing evenings 4.30-6.00ish for a while ring to order and check our times, looking forward to seeing you all again. phone 5456220
Falafel Gourmet, 2020.05.08.
Northern Rye: Redefining British Bakery Delights in Newcastle