Chargrill Kebab & Burger

Fast Food Restaurant Middle Eastern Restaurant
Chargrill is all about taste! The taste derived from quality ingredients and the care taken during p

Chargrill Kebab & Burger contact


address: 4/51 Hobson St, Auckland, New Zealand 1061

Chargrill Kebab & Burger opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open
  • Sunday always open open

Chargrill Kebab & Burger ratings

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Chargrill Kebab & Burger information

price category:

$$ mid price

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Welcome aussies

Chargrill Kebab & Burger, 2016.03.30.

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Chargrill Kebab & Burger, 2016.03.12.

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Packed.. come and join us

Chargrill Kebab & Burger, 2016.03.01.


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