Baklawa Cafe

Cafe Cafeteria Middle Eastern Restaurant
Baklawa Cafe - Delicious Middle Eastern Sweets,Coffee and the freshest juice in town!

Baklawa Cafe contact


address: 46 Stoddard Road, Auckland, New Zealand 1041

Baklawa Cafe opening hours

  • Monday close
  • Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
  • Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
  • Friday 08:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday 08:00 - 22:00
  • Sunday 08:00 - 19:00 open

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Baklawa Cafe information

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Baklawa Cafe facebook posts


Open buffet today @ Baklawa cafe 5:30 PM
46 stoddard rd Mt Roskill

Lamb mansaf (منسف اردني )
Chicken mousakhan
Okra with lamb
Chili fish (سمكة حرة )
Chicken stuffed with nuts
Creamy pasta
Roast potatoes with herbs...

Baklawa Cafe, 2021.08.12.


Open buffet today @ Baklawa cafe 5:30 PM
46 stoddard rd Mt Roskill

Lamb Maklouba
Lebanese charcoal chicken
Kofta with tahini sauce
Creamy pasta
Chicken with mushroom sauce
Okra stew
Vermicelli Rice


Baklawa Cafe, 2021.08.05.

Morning every one

Open buffet today @ Baklawa cafe 5:30 PM
46 stoddard rd mt Roskill.

Lamb casserole
Chicken Mandi
Kebab with yugert sauce
Peas with lamb
Cauliflower with tahini sauce
Vermicelli Rice

Baklawa Cafe, 2021.07.30.


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